Dreaming of Eden: Soul Expressions Made Manifest

dreams eden high frequency visions nature new world quantum energy wellness bed soul expression surrender Oct 02, 2024

Hello dear ones, and welcome. Today is Wednesday, August 28, 2024. What a marvelous time to be alive!

I’d like to dream with you a bit today. Not the dreams we have while we sleep, but the dreams that live deep within our souls—the dreams you’ve carried with you for what feels like eons. The dreams that have waited for the right time to be shared, without fear of being dismissed or criticized. These are the dreams that push you to keep moving forward because they are the essence of what you’re meant to bring into the world.

The Dreams of Your Soul

These dreams are not ordinary. They are high-frequency visions, meant to build a new world. They may not be for everyone, but they are yours to nurture and grow. They are your soul’s way of expressing itself, creating a world where your spirit can truly thrive.

I believe we are entering a time when these dreams will pour out of us more freely. But remember, one step at a time is the way. Do what’s in front of you, and trust the process. There is plenty of time.

A Dream for the Earth

One of my dreams is to create properties and spaces where people can reconnect with nature and remember who they truly are. I envision places where we can learn to forage, to allow rather than control, to converse with nature. Here, we can choose better foods, recognizing the vital connection between the soil, the foods we eat, and our bodinates.

Over the years, I’ve grown many plants—vegetables, berries, trees, and flowers—and I’ve come to believe that the food I grow in my garden is uniquely attuned to my body’s needs. By interacting with the plants and giving thanks before harvesting, I feel a profound connection with the food I eat. This connection makes these foods more nourishing and supportive of my health than anything else on this planet.

The Reflective Power of Nature

I’ve noticed that our personal landscapes, whether a balcony garden, a yard, or a farm, often reflect our inner energetic states. The more we try to control nature, the more it suggests an imbalance within us. Instead of imposing order, I encourage you to look inward and ask why you feel the need to control.

In the spaces I envision, we would create a balance between health and wellness. We would move from critical health to good health, and eventually, to optimal wellness. These spaces would incorporate tools like the Quantum Energy Wellness Bed, which generates a quantum field tailored to your needs, helping you align with your highest self.

Living in Harmony with Nature

I’ve spent years watching nature unfold on my property. I’ve learned to let go of the need for “tidy edges” and to embrace the natural growth and rhythm of the land. This process has transformed my space into an Eden—a reflection of harmony and balance.

But this Eden isn’t just for me; it’s something I wish for everyone. I want each of you to create your own Eden, in your unique way, by dancing with nature, feeling the earth beneath your feet, the wind in your hair, the rain on your face, and the dirt on your hands. This is where true health and wellness reside—in this beautiful dance with the natural world.

Manifesting Dreams Through Surrender

The time is coming for our dreams to manifest without force, simply by surrendering our preconceived notions and opening our hearts to the blessings of the universe. Know that if you’re unsure of the next step, it might not be time yet. But when it’s right, the path will become clear.

Follow the dreams that originate in your heart space. This is where your magic will be made known here on Earth. Keep dreaming, dear one, and I will speak with you again in perfect time.

Key Takeaways:

  • Embrace Your Dreams: Allow yourself to dream deeply and authentically, trusting that your dreams have a place in the world.
  • Reconnect with Nature: Find balance and wellness by engaging with nature, allowing it to guide you to a healthier, more harmonious state.
  • Reflect Within: Understand that your need to control your environment may reflect an inner imbalance; look inward to find peace.
  • Trust the Process: Believe that there is time for your dreams to unfold. Surrender to the flow and allow the universe to guide you.
  • Manifest Your Eden: Create spaces of growth and healing that resonate with your soul, making room for others to do the same.

Keep dreaming, and remember: your dreams are the seeds of the new world we are building together.

Listen to the complete podcast episode: Dreaming of Eden ... Soul Expressions Made Manifest

Your Unique Path to Eden

is created with every step that you choose to take and indeed, this is truly a one-step-at-a-time kind of journey.
As you feel the YES!

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