Dreaming the New World into Existence: A Personal Journey
Aug 16, 2024
The Return of Dreams
To the best of my knowing, dreams have often been set aside. Those dreams that arise from the pure essence of who we truly are simply weren’t possible … until now.
Think back to when you were a child. Remember how vibrant your imagination was? Children often have an extraordinary ability to imagine, creating worlds and experiences without hesitation. As adults, we often lose touch with this boundless creativity. But it’s time to reclaim that power.
Imagination: The Source of Dreams
I believe imagination is the source of our dreams, the key to unlocking infinite possibilities. It’s time to open up to our unique possibilities through dreams—not the ones we have while sleeping, but the ones we consciously create. What does your new world look like? What role will you play in it?
Dream your visions into reality. Create things that matter. I recently watched a movie called IF—which stands for Imaginary Friend—and it sparked a deep joy within me. It reminded me of the support I’ve always felt, seen or unseen, throughout my life. Even if I can’t recall having an imaginary friend as a child, I know with certainty that I was always supported by something beyond the physical.
Imaginary Friends or Real Guides?
Are these imaginary friends truly imaginary? Perhaps not. As multidimensional beings, what we consider imaginary might be very real. They are energies, frequencies, and as we continue to release old beliefs and limitations, we may begin to perceive what once seemed imaginary.
Whether they’re fairies, unicorns, wizards, or dragons, these beings exist in realms beyond our current understanding. As we move away from the 3D reality, we’ll reconnect with the magic that has always been intended for us.
Embracing Heaven on Earth
Heaven on Earth won’t look the same for everyone, and that’s okay. It’s your own unique version of magic. And what is magic if not the act of dreaming your visions into existence? It may be as simple as remembering who you truly are.
Continue doing the work, moving through challenges with unwavering faith. I believe anything is possible in every aspect of life—wellness, abundance, love, and meaningful work are all within reach.
Personally, I’m in a state of pause, but I know I cannot return to the old world. I choose the new world, I choose faith, and I choose to dream again. I choose to let my imagination run wild because it makes me feel childlike. I know I am a child of God, and so are you.
The Age of Aquarius and the New World
We are entering the age of Aquarius, a time when the wisdom of the past aligns with the new possibilities of the present. The old world must crumble, as it’s built on lies and corruption, but know that everything happening is leading us toward a better reality. We are not alone in this journey—we are walking it together.
So, shine your light brightly. By doing so, you give others permission to do the same. Be the change you wish to see in the world. I invite you to dream at a new level, to open your imagination, and to allow possibilities to flow through you.
Key Takeaways:
- Reclaim Your Dreams: Embrace the power of your imagination to create the world you desire.
- Imaginary Friends: Consider that what seems imaginary may be real, guiding and supporting you on your journey.
- Heaven on Earth: Create your unique version of magic by dreaming your visions into reality.
- Faith and Transformation: As the old world crumbles, maintain faith that the new world will be a place of wellness, abundance, love, and purpose.
- Shine Your Light: By shining brightly, you inspire others to do the same, contributing to the collective transformation.
Let your imagination soar, and dream the new world into existence.
Listen to the complete podcast episode: Oh, the Possibilities ... Simply Imagine Them!?!
Your Unique Path to Eden
is created with every step that you choose to take and indeed, this is truly a one-step-at-a-time kind of journey.
As you feel the YES!