EVERY Experience Offers Growth and Expansion

ascension expansion forgiveness growth highest path perspective Jul 19, 2024

Embracing Your Divine Path: A Journey of Growth and Expansion

Hello, dear ones. Today, I want to speak directly to you about the journey of life, the energies we carry, and how we can transform our experiences into moments of divine growth. Remember, you are the creator of your life experience. Everything is energy, and your life experience is a direct result of the energy frequencies within your personal energetic system. If you're ready to upgrade your life and expand your divine light, stay with me.

The Power of Your Energy

My name is Debbie Hagedorn, and my words carry the codes, activations, and upgrades you need to enhance your own energetic system. Each time you listen to my podcast recordings, allow these words to percolate through your system. They are designed to help you create aha moments and the awareness needed to let go of what no longer serves your highest good.

Remembering Who You Are

Right now, remember who you are: a divine being of light, here during these unprecedented times. As we work to raise human consciousness and bring forth heaven on earth, each in our unique and individual ways, you've got this.

Reflecting on Life's Experiences

Today, I'd like you to consider the experiences you've had in this lifetime. Reflect on your expressions, reactions, and responses to these experiences—whether from childhood, marriage, work, or everyday interactions. Our tendency is to label these experiences as good or bad, right or wrong, useful or not useful. I used to see them that way too, until a mentor of mine shared a profound insight: every experience is the love of God seeking to expand itself.

Shifting Perspectives

This insight has been percolating within my system for years, and it has transformed my perspective. I now see every experience as an opportunity for expansion, without the need for judgment. Not one shooting, death, car accident, argument, criticism, birth, or celebration is meant to be judged as anything but an experience that allows for growth.

The Choice Between Growth and Stagnation

We are here to grow and expand as a consciousness. We can either embrace this growth or choose stagnation. Some people loop over and over, refusing to change their opinions or see other options. They continue to slander and undermine what they don't understand. Yet, many are allowing the light of God to fill the empty spaces within them as they do the work of letting go.

Forgiveness and Moving Forward

Forgiving yourself is crucial. Consider all those things you berate yourself for and see them as growth points in your life. Bring them into your current awareness, see the mistakes you've made, and know that you can choose differently. Love on these experiences and forgive yourself for what you didn't know. Choose growth and expansion to move forward on your path.

Living in the Light

Every experience is the love of God seeking to expand itself. It's up to us to choose how we respond. Take a moment to pause, breathe, and remind yourself that each experience is a chance to learn and grow. Ask for help to ensure that every choice you make serves the highest good for yourself and humanity.

Embracing Humanity and Individuality

Recognize that we are all allowed our unique journeys. Moving beyond judgment of ourselves and others creates space within our system to receive the light of God and remember who we truly are. Cleanse, clear, dissolve, and let go within your system, filling the empty spaces with the light of God to ensure the purity of your work.

Key Takeaways

  • You are the creator of your life experience. Your energy frequencies shape your reality.
  • Reflect on your experiences. Consider how you react and respond, and choose to see each experience as an opportunity for growth.
  • Forgive yourself. See your past mistakes as growth points and choose differently moving forward.
  • Embrace the light of God. Fill your system with divine light to maintain the purity of your work.
  • Choose growth over stagnation. Commit to expanding your consciousness and walking your highest path.

Final Thoughts

Every experience is the love of God seeking to expand itself. By doing the work and asking for guidance, you will reach a point where every experience allows you to feel joy and love, knowing you created it for yourself. Follow your highest path and anchor in the light and love that you are. Together, we are building a new world.

Thank you for being here with me right now. I love you so much, and I will speak with you again in perfect time.

Listen to the complete podcast episode: EVERY Experience Offers Growth and Expansion

Your Unique Path to Eden

is created with every step that you choose to take and indeed, this is truly a one-step-at-a-time kind of journey.
As you feel the YES!

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