Hello, Darkness ... My Old Friend?

darkness faith frequency holding space keep going light of god Oct 15, 2024

Keep Going, No Matter What

Hello, dear ones, and welcome. Today is Tuesday, October 1st, 2024. And by the grace of God, I am here to remind you to keep going … to keep going, no matter what.

No matter what life throws your way—whether it's the failure of technology, the turmoil of political division, or the devastation caused by natural disasters and wars—there is a deeper lesson within every experience. There’s a choice we can make in each moment: to shine our light, even in the darkest of spaces.

In these challenging times, there’s a sacred opportunity. We can look into the world, see the pain and suffering, and choose to hold space for others without getting lost in the heartbreak. It’s in these moments, where the darkness seems overwhelming, that our light shines brightest.

I encourage you not to turn away from the chaos around us but to see it, to infuse love into it, to recognize it as a lesson. If you're willing to do the work and raise your frequency, you’ll find yourself filled with compassion, free from the need for vengeance or retribution. You will become a beacon, a symbol of peace for others, without losing yourself in their pain.

We are living in a time where frequency matters. Think of it as being inside a glass box, a metaphor for maintaining your frequency. You can see others, and they can see you, but the most important work you can do is to maintain your light. As others look through the glass, they will see that there is another way, a higher way. And you, simply by holding your light, become an example of how things can be better.

The darkness in the world serves a purpose—it must be seen to allow those who choose light to illuminate it. Without the dark, we wouldn’t fully appreciate the power of our light. In the same way that we seek a flashlight during a power outage, we are being called to be the light in the world, to shine through the darkness without judgment or condemnation.

How to Keep Going:

  1. Tune into your body: Ask yourself what you need on a daily basis to maintain your high frequency. Honor your body’s wisdom.
  2. Return to your heart: When you feel uncertain or overwhelmed, close your eyes, place your hands on your high heart, and ask, “What is the right next step for me?” Trust that the answer will come.
  3. Spend time in nature: Nature is here to support us. Let the sun, wind, water, and earth recharge you. Take in the beauty and simplicity of the natural world as a reminder that life continues to grow and evolve.
  4. Embrace your sovereignty: You are the creator of your reality. Make choices each day that align with your highest good, regardless of what’s happening around you. This requires discipline but brings freedom and peace.
  5. Shine your light without force: Hold space for others, speak from your heart, and lift others up with love. Let your light be the example, not through insistence or judgment but through being.

We are approaching a time when our bodies will be asked to hold more of our consciousness. The next few weeks are a period of preparation. This isn’t a waiting game; it’s a time to be the light, to live in alignment with your heart, and to create your reality from a place of love and sovereignty.

Key Takeaways:

  • The darkness reveals the light: Without challenges, we wouldn't fully recognize our ability to shine. Embrace the lessons in every difficulty.
  • Maintain your high frequency: This is essential to help yourself and others through these times.
  • Nature is your ally: Spend time outdoors to recharge and receive support from the earth.
  • Be the example: Others are watching how you navigate these times. Show them what it means to live in love, compassion, and sovereignty.
  • You are the creator of your reality: Every choice you make shapes your experience. Stay aligned with your heart’s wisdom.

If you ever have questions or need guidance, don't hesitate to reach out. I'll continue sharing plant music and messages that will help support you on your journey. Everything I do is shared freely, simply because it feels right.

Take good care of yourself, dear one. Keep going, and I will speak with you again in perfect time.

Your Unique Path to Eden

is created with every step that you choose to take and indeed, this is truly a one-step-at-a-time kind of journey.
As you feel the YES!

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