Unraveling the Illusions: Steps to Building the New World

acceptance daily discipline divine human energy mastery faith frequency love new world soul groups unique unity Aug 01, 2024

Hello, dear ones, and welcome. Today is Wednesday, July 31, 2024, and I'd like to speak with you about what it looks like to be creating the new world together.

What is the New World?

As I see it, the new world is living as our divine human selves on a planet in the manner originally intended on day one of Earth. It is a place where:

  • The frequencies of love and above prevail.
  • There is no competition or division, only unity and community.
  • We recognize our unique differences and embrace them.

Embracing Our Uniqueness

We will never all believe the same things or want to do the same things, and that is okay. Each one of us is unique, and as we let go of all that isn't truly us, our frequency becomes pure and available to others. This process allows us to form soul groups that create what is new and better, serving every human, not just a select few.

The Old Systems are Crumbling

The systems built on corruption—financial, educational, medical, political—are all crumbling. We've lived in an illusion of lies programmed into our systems. There's no need for guilt, blame, or shame. Recognizing these feelings as gifts can help us let go of what no longer serves us.

Accepting and Moving Forward

We didn't know what we didn't know. When we realize that what we thought was true isn't, we pause, accept ourselves, forgive ourselves, and keep going without judgment, blame, or shame. By doing this work, our frequency becomes pure, benefiting ourselves and those we interact with.

Daily Discipline and Energy Management

Daily discipline is crucial for energy maintenance and mastery. This practice allows us to feel in our bodies what a pure, high frequency feels like. Each step we take creates the new world, a world of high-frequency energies that come through us.

Trusting in the Process

As we walk our highest path and deepen our faith, worries and doubts disappear. We understand that exactly what we need will be provided in the perfect moment, as if by magic. The new world lies within us, coming through our high heart space, where our connection to all that is resides.

Contemplating Desires and God's Will

I've been contemplating desires and how they relate to God's will. I choose to let go of my desires, reclaim my power, and allow my pure frequency to guide me. This path is marked by feelings in my body—goosebumps, chills, tingles—that affirm I'm walking my highest path.

Practical Steps for Creating the New World

  • Daily Energy Maintenance: Commit to daily energy practices, tending to all layers of your being.
  • Spending Time Outside: Nature is crucial for grounding and maintaining high frequencies.
  • Mindful Media Consumption: Limit exposure to negative media; instead, engage in activities that uplift you.
  • Celebrating Wins: Acknowledge even the smallest victories and be grateful for challenges that reveal areas for growth.

Building the New World Together

We are building the new world together, and I am honored to be on this journey with you. Keep doing the work, taking small steps, and allowing your pure frequency to shine through. The new world is here, and each day brings more improvement.

Key Takeaways

  • The new world is founded on unity, love, and embracing our uniqueness.
  • Old systems based on corruption are crumbling, and we are moving beyond them.
  • Daily energy maintenance and discipline are crucial for creating the new world.
  • Trust in the process, and let go of desires that no longer serve your highest good.
  • Engage in practices that uplift and purify your frequency, contributing to the collective creation of the new world.

I do love you, dear one. I look forward to speaking with you again in perfect time.

Listen to the complete podcast episode: Unraveling the Illusions: Steps to Building the New World

Your Unique Path to Eden

is created with every step that you choose to take and indeed, this is truly a one-step-at-a-time kind of journey.
As you feel the YES!

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