The Magnitude of Choice: What Are You Choosing?
Sep 16, 2024Today is Thursday, September 12, 2024, and the energy on Earth is incredibly potent. Solar activity is at a high, with an X-flare this morning and multiple M-flares over the past few days. The air is buzzing with geomagnetic storms, and if you're in the Northern Hemisphere, you may even see the Northern Lights dancing in the sky. These waves of energy aren’t just affecting the Earth—they are upgrading us on every level.
I can feel it in my own body. The crown of my head is buzzing, and I’m a bit sleepy. But I welcome these sensations because I know they are here to elevate me.
As these energies flow through, remember to ground yourself. Connect with nature.
- Put your bare feet on the earth.
- Sit in the sun, or if it's too intense, find the shade.
- Swim in the ocean, lake, or river.
- Drink lots of clean water.
Most importantly, ask your body what it needs. This is not a time for rigidity but for listening deeply. Maybe you need movement, or perhaps you need more rest. There is no right or wrong answer, only what serves your highest good. You have everything you need to navigate these shifts.
Strengthening Your Divine Human Vessel
As we move through the next couple of months, I encourage you to ask yourself: "What can I do to strengthen my body, to hold more of my consciousness here on Earth, to become my divine human?"
For me, it’s been a process of listening to my body over time. I’ve built small routines, starting with just a few push-ups and jumping jacks each morning to stimulate my lymphatic system. Some days, my body wants more, and on others, it asks for rest. I honor both.
And I’m learning this extends beyond physical activity. It’s about trusting that I don’t need to know today what tomorrow will bring. My mind craves certainty, particularly when it comes to things like income and how I’ll support myself once the growing season ends here in Wisconsin. But I’ve learned to surrender that desire. My heart says no to the old ways of working and earning.
Instead, I choose to align myself with the highest levels of consciousness available to me. I know there are infinite possibilities, and in the perfect moment, the path will be clear.
Living in a Multiverse of Choices
We live in a multiverse—a reality of infinite parallel paths. I’ve been watching a show called Dark Matter, which opened my mind to how many versions of myself exist in parallel realities. But in this lifetime, I choose to create heaven on earth, for myself and as an example to others. I don’t know all the answers, but I trust that I’ll know what I need to know when the time is right.
My creations are based on my thoughts, but more than that, they flow from my heart and align with God’s will. For years, I’ve been doing the inner work to ensure my subconscious is aligned with my highest path. It’s ongoing work, but it’s essential because it shapes the reality I experience.
And I see so many others on this journey—people finding God, surrendering to divine guidance, and realizing they are never alone. This path requires dedication. It's not about waking up one day and everything being easy. It’s about making conscious choices that reflect our connection to the Creator, no matter what’s happening in the world around us.
Choosing the Highest Path
No matter what challenges or uncertainties you face—whether in your personal life, your work, or the world at large—keep choosing the highest path. When you make that choice, you are supported in ways you may not yet see. You become a light, illuminating the dark spaces in this world, helping others find their own truth.
As we raise our frequency, those low-frequency energies no longer affect us. We shine a light on them, helping others see the truth and healing those dark spaces, whether in our education systems, financial systems, healthcare, or politics. Everyone is playing their part, and each of us has the opportunity to spread light into the darkest corners.
Good things are happening, and even better things are on the way. Trust in the unseen.
Key Takeaways:
- Ground yourself during these powerful energetic shifts: Connect with nature, whether through walking barefoot, sitting in the sun, or swimming in natural waters.
- Listen to your body: It holds the wisdom you need to navigate these times. There is no one-size-fits-all approach—ask what serves your highest good.
- Strengthen your vessel: Build small, daily routines that support your physical body and honor its need for rest when required.
- Release the need to know everything now: Trust that the answers will come in perfect timing. Surrender control and listen to your heart’s guidance.
- You are creating heaven on Earth: Your thoughts, heart, and connection to God shape the reality around you. Focus on what lights you up and aligns with your highest truth.
- Keep choosing the highest path: No matter what is happening in the world, your choice to align with love and light impacts not only your life but the collective consciousness.
Place your hands on your heart, close your eyes, and breathe in love. Know that you are supported, always. Keep going. You’ve got this.
Your Unique Path to Eden
is created with every step that you choose to take and indeed, this is truly a one-step-at-a-time kind of journey.
As you feel the YES!