A Conversation About Your Best Health

body wisdom health nature presence responsibility wellness Jun 21, 2024

Welcome to the New World: A Journey of Health Into Wellness

Today is June 19th, 2024, and I welcome you here, dear ones. It's always good to have you tune in. As I sit here in contemplation, I can say, welcome. Officially, welcome to the new world. Who would have thought, even four short years ago, that we would be where we are right now?

Four years ago, I had resigned from the farm where I worked for eleven years, expecting great change. Not knowing then, we would delve into a four-year loop of chaos brought by the pandemic, still affecting the world scene. Yet, we have reached the completion of this loop.

The world scene has to play out. But for those choosing the new world, creating their version of heaven on earth, the task is clear: walk away from what's happening on the world stage, stop looking outside, and go within your heart space to connect with your body.

The Path to Health and Wellness

  • Claim Responsibility for Your Health:
    • Taking responsibility means being proactive about your health. This doesn't mean you can't speak to a doctor or take prescription meds. It means you choose to be responsible for your health state and ensure outside information serves your highest path.
  • Understanding the System:
    • From my experience as a personal care worker, the healthcare system often doesn't care about individuals as humans. The more helpless people were, the more money the system made. They were told they couldn't heal themselves, which is a lie. Our bodies are designed to heal themselves given the right resources.
  • Commit to Being Responsible:
    • Our bodies are designed to hold our divinity. To let it be so, you must commit to being responsible for your health. It's a brave step, but remember, God's got your back. When you say yes to becoming a better version of yourself by taking responsibility for your health, you are fully supported in the unseen. Ideas will come, doors will open, and people will appear.

Daily Practices for Health

  • Focus on Small Steps:
    • Drink more water
    • Spend time in nature daily
    • Walk barefoot on the earth
    • Move more and choose different foods
    • Let go of the idea of a perfect diet; your body knows what it needs
  • No One Is in Perfect Health:
    • Integration of cosmic and earth energies affects everyone differently. There is no right or wrong, only programming to let go of. Trust that your body knows what it needs.
  • Bless Your Food and Drink:
    • Everything you consume contains the energies of where it came from. You have the power to change the frequency of these things simply by blessing them and saying a prayer that they serve your highest good.
  • Connect with Nature:
    • If you can, spend time outdoors. If you're homebound, ask someone to bring you a houseplant or close your eyes and connect energetically with nature.

Key Takeaways

  • Responsibility for Health: Embrace responsibility for your health to experience your own version of heaven on earth.
  • Body's Wisdom: Trust your body's ability to heal itself and listen to its needs.
  • Small Steps: Focus on daily small steps to improve your health and wellness.
  • Support in the Unseen: Know that you are fully supported by the divine and the unseen forces around you.

Final Thoughts

In moments when things are topsy-turvy, and you don't know which way to turn, close your eyes, place your hand on your heart space, and breathe. Bring yourself back to presence and remember, you are love, you are loved, and you've got this.

I will speak to you again in perfect time. I love you.

Listen to the podcast episode here: A Conversation About Your Best Health

Your Unique Path to Eden

is created with every step that you choose to take and indeed, this is truly a one-step-at-a-time kind of journey.
As you feel the YES!

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